
What is a Lacavore?

To answer the question of this blog post. A lacavore is someone who eats food that is grown locally. They can just buy produce locally and consume it thus keeping money in the local community or they can go one step further and produce it themselves. I read an interesting statistic in out local paper that according to the Department of Agriculture the fastest growing type of farm is a very small farm in which most of the inhabitants receive their monetary support in some sort of off the farm job. I like the idea of being a lacavore. Want I don't grow myself I can buy locally. I am tired of supporting a large company shipping my food thousands of miles. Maybe they started out with the best of intentions but to me something feels like it is wrong and I want to do my part to fix the problem.

I guess an explanation is due about this whole blog. I just love winter and so I created this blog Winter Wonderland. As with everything is life nature has her seasons and we are rapidly approaching spring. I really don't want to wait till next winter to post to this blog so I guess I will just keep going. I know it is going to be kind of strange posting to a blog entitled Winter Wonderland in the middle of summer. But I guess that is my privilege and if nobody wants to read it so be it. I just enjoy posting here.

When I first started posting to this blog back in November somebody suggested that I put a little piece of code on this blog to let me know if anybody had visited. Actually I have been quite surprised in checking the other day that I have close to 1000 visitors to this blog. If you look on this blog near the top you will see something that says "Visitors-Thank You" with a number beneath it. This is the number of people that have visited my blog since I began writing. I think it show that I have had right around 980 visitors since I started this blog. I just checked and my first blog entry was made in December 20, 2008 and this marks the 10th blog entry I have made. If my math is correct that means I am receiving about 10 visitors a day. Everybody wants to be recognized I don't care what they say. It's just part of human nature so I want to thank everyone who has checked out my blog for whatever reason. It's nice to be noticed.

Anyway back to my original thought about being a lacovore check out this blog by a lady who seems to know what she is talking about when it comes to gardening. Here is her blog The Helpful Gardener