Here is article that explains how a sunrise simulation wake up light helps you awake refreshed and ready for your day.
A Natural Light Alarm Clock Will Help You Wake Refreshed:
So you've had a good night's sleep and now when you wake up in the morning you want it to be as stress free as possible. What you don't want is to be jolted out of bed by a noisy unsympathetic alarm clock ringing loudly in your ears and nagging at you to get out of bed. Instead how about finding a nice natural way to wake you up properly refreshed with a smile on your face?
Impossible, you say. Well not actually. You see you can get such a thing as a natural light alarm clock that will wake you gently as light gradually shines in your room giving the effect of dawn. It is the way the animal kingdom wakes up naturally and the way that man too used to wake before modern hectic life took over. So technology has now gone full circle and allows us to revert back to this more normal way of awakening.
A natural light alarm clock is a dawn simulator that can be set to make it appear just like sunrise in your bedroom as the light gradually increases in intensity. For reassurance, you can also have an additional fail-safe sound alarm with it too for backup. In some cases that could be set to make the natural sounds of wildlife, bird song or the early morning forest. Or alternatively you could wake to the radio or music of your choice.
There is no doubt that by waking up in a natural manner your day will start off better. You will be calmer and in a better stress-free frame of mind to take the day, and all it might throw at you, in your stride.
The other good thing about natural alarm clocks is that many can be set up to get you off to sleep in a good natural way too. You will find that a gradual sunset mode gives your body the signal to wind down and helps you to fall asleep peacefully.
Thus with a natural light alarm clock, your body's natural circadian rhythms that regulate your normal sleeping and waking patterns can be set so you sleep soundly and wake refreshed. Now that has got to be good thing for your mental and physical health.
You can find out more about a natural alarm clock light here. There are lots of great tips to relieve stress naturally here.
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