I enjoy placing different wallpaper scenes on my computer to enjoy during the day as I spend time on my computer. There are some beautiful winter wallpaper images or if you prefer pictures that you can place on your computer. As I said some of these winter wallpaper images are just beautiful and have become more and more advanced over the years. You can find some great looking images at the banner below. You can download these images for free. Yes they will try to get you to sign up for a yearly subscription service but you don't have to do that unless you really enjoy the wallpaper images they offer. This is a safe and trusted site so there is no worries about viruses or spy ware being placed on your computer. I have used them for years and change the wallpaper images with the different seasons of the year.
They have a beautiful 3D Snowy Cottage that will take your breath away. Gently falling snow with a snow covered bridge in the foreground and a quaint cottage in the background. The snow slowly accumulates and if you turn up the sound on your computer you can hear the wind gently whistling through the trees.
Another one of my favorites is the living snow globe. I have always enjoyed snow globes and having one as a winter wallpaper on my computer screen is a real treat. Sometimes I get lost in just watching the animated winter wallpaper scenes. The snow globe actually features skiers and snow boarders gliding over the snow covered hills with beautiful snow covered mountains in the background.
Your computer can almost seem to come to life with some of the animated winter wallpaper that some of these talented artist's have managed to created. Well worth checking out in my opinion.